Jar of hand cream

Image by photosforyou from Pixabay

Did you realize your hands can give away your age? After all the time, effort (and money) you spend on face creams, eye creams, and facial masks your hands could sabotage your efforts.

Here's Why...

The skin on your hands is thin and can easily reflect the wear and tear from every day life.

All of us depend on our hands to do a lot of work. From dishes, to gardening, to scrubbing the kitchen floor our hands get a work out. 

If you don't take care of them they'll become dry, cracked and wrinkled. Not to mention develop the tell-tale signs of age spots, loose skin, and protruding veins.

Let's take a look at a few everyday practices to help you keep your hands looking young and avoid these pitfalls.

The Best Anti-Aging Tips for Hands

1. Apply a good moisturizer: Washing your hands often can quickly dry out your skin. Cleaning and exposure to harsh OTC products can also irritate your skin. Be sure to keep a moisturizing hand cream readily available. Dab a bit on your hands each time you wash your hands. Make this a part of your daily routine.

2.  Exfoliate Your Hands: Palms, knuckles, and fingers can dry out quickly with frequent exposure to water and the elements. Try a sugar scrub to soften your hands and remove dead skin & skin cells. 

3. Wear Gloves: There's nothing like a good solid pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands while you're washing dishes. And don't forget your gloves out in the yard. Gardening gloves can prevent scratches, skin tears, and dirt from getting into your skin and beneath your fingernails. 

4. Use Sunscreen: Sunlight through your car windows contain harmful UV rays and can damage your skin. Be sure to use a cream with sunscreen protection. Check out doTERRA's sun Face and Body Lotion here for added protection while you drive.

5. Eat a Nourishing Diet: Eat a variety of foods to ensure an adequate intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. A good general multi-vitamin can help supplement a balanced diet. Vitamin C and the B Complex of vitamins play an important role in healthy skin and nails.

6. Manage Stress: I'm sure you've heard this before. (Probably on more than one occasion.) But seriously, stress can affect your appearance and this includes your hands. Stress releases cortisol. Cortisol can breakdown collagen which can make you look older. It can cause your skin to wrinkle and sag. 

Try the following to control and manage stress:

  • Meditation
  • Controlled Breathing
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Aromatherapy

Include at least one of the above in your schedule every day. Even if it's only for 5 to 10 minutes.

7. Don't Smoke: Smoking can wreak havoc on your skin and speed up the aging process. Skin can look older, including the skin on your hands. Smoking lowers the levels of collagen and elastin in your skin. Both of these proteins contribute to smoother, firmer, and younger looking skin. But appearance aside...

Smoking is bad for your health. Scientific research has linked smoking to cancer and heart disease.

Keep Your Hands Looking Young

It's easy to forget to care for your hands. Life is busy and hectic.

And let's face it ...

We often take our hands for granted. 

But you can change the autopilot. 

Place a jar of handcream by the kitchen sink and dab a bit on your hands after you finish the dishes. 

Remember to grab your gardening gloves when you head out to tackle those weeds.

Smooth a bit of sunscreen on your hands when you're getting ready to head to the store.

All it takes are baby steps. Add one small habit at a time and you'll maintain soft, supple, and younger looking hands.

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